Friday, July 13, 2018

The Halloween Surprise! Chapter 6

Chapter 6
There's no business like show business

"You see, that haunted house was just make-believe. My name's Bill and the other person you met was Jerry. Jerry's a producer and I'm a director. We built a large house for a horror movie called 'The House on the Hill.' We dug a deep hole to make a bog, and we took old rocks and placed them in the ground as tombstones. We even dug up one to make it seem like a person came out of his coffin." "How about the bats and the wolf?" asked Mike. "We trained some animals for the movie. Those bats you saw were'nt [sic] "vampire" bats. [Note--double quotes incorrect.] They were little brown bats!" Mike and Linda looked at John angrily. John just shrugged and smiled. Bill continued. "We wanted it to seem real so we did it when there was a full moon." "But what about the paint?" asked Linda. "Paint, paint," said Bill. "Oh, the paint! After we built the house, we painted it black. We spilled some on the floor. The black cat is black because we got paint all over it. That's also why it's mad." Linda felt much better. "This is our street," said Mike. "You can stop here." Bill stopped and all three got out. Linda had supper and went to bed.

After the light was turned off, Linda's neck tickled. She found a small spider.

* * * * *

The next day after school John said, "Hey, you guys. I heard about a haunted mansion three blocks away. Want to go explore?"

[Illustration: Linda, John, Mike, and Bill, all seated in the truck as Bill drives; the back window is visible above them. Linda and Mike are both glaring at John, who sits between them. They look angry. John, meanwhile, has a very goofy, sheepish grin on his face, as if he just broke wind.]

[Illustration: Linda, now dressed in a purple nightgown and sitting up in bed; she's holding a tiny spider in her hand and smiling at it gently.]

The End!

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