Friday, July 13, 2018

The Halloween Surprise! Chapter 5

Chapter 5

And what a cold, dark cemetery it was. Most of the graves were worn by the weather or cracked. [Note--you can see, following "worn by the," where I erased the word "wind."] Linda turned her head. A dark, green bog was nearby. It smelled terrible. All of a sudden there was a loud flapping noise. Hundreds of fearsome bats flew overhead. "Vampire bats! Duck!" shouted John. All three fell to the ground. Linda shivered. She could hear all of the bats chirping and squeaking loudly. But luckily they passed overhead without coming down to feed. Linda and John stood up, but Mike was too scared to. Linda and John finally managed to get him up. Then there was a loud hoot. All three dropped to the ground again. They peeked over their arms. A dark, scary owl sat in a tree where hundreds of bats had been before. It looked at them for a few seconds with large, glassy eyes, then flew off. Then they heard a rustling noise in some bushes, and some mumbling. They screamed and ran towards the bog. They were'nt [sic] watching where they were going. Splish! Splash! Splosh! All of them fell in the bog. The rustling noise came again. They helplessly looked up at the bank. Instead of monsters, two men appeared. "What are you fellas doing here?" asked one of the men. They helped the children out of the bog. "We were exploring the haunted house," answered John. "What haunted house?" asked the other man. His voice was higher pitched than the other man's voice. "That house right there," said Mike, pointing to the house they had just been in. The men laughed. "Why," said one of them when they stopped laughing, "That's not a haunted house." [Note--"That's" is improperly capitalized; I don't have the MS on hand to check if this mistake is original to it, but seeing as I didn't point it out, it's likely a typo.] "What is it, then?" asked Linda. "We'll tell you as we drive you home," said the first man. They got into his pickup and drove off. The other man with the high voice got in another pickup and went a different way. Then the man told them about the house.

[Illustration: A green bog surrounded by long dry brown grass and trailing willowy trees.]

[Illustration: A large brown horned owl perched in one of the willowy-type trees; it's peering to the side a bit ominously.]

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