Friday, July 13, 2018

The Halloween Surprise! Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Never let a black cat cross your path

Linda woke up. The last thing she remembered was running away from--what? It wasn't the rats. After the rats she was being chased again. Linda tried to think, but she felt she was being watched. Linda couldn't think when she was being watched. She turned and stared out into the black, empty hall. Nobody was there. Linda was puzzled. She shrugged and continued to think. All of a sudden Linda heard a faint moaning sound. She looked out into the hall and there, where nothing had been seconds before, was a ghost! Linda screamed and ran. This was worse than the rats. Then the gap in Linda's memory was filled. It was the ghost that had chased her! [Note--Jeez, the passive verbiage here is just horrid!]

Linda kept running. But when she looked back, there was nothing there! She stopped to catch her breath. Then, suddenly, she heard a meow and a scurry. She looked down. In the dim light she could make out tiny pawprints. She turned her head in the direction they led to. There, on a small shelf, was a shiny, sleek black cat with glowing eyes, arched back, fluffed up tail and flattened ears. It's [sic] eyes closed halfway and it hissed. Linda screamed. She then remembered the saying--never let a black cat cross your path!

[Illustration: A black cat with red eyes and claws extended, arching its back and hissing at the viewer.]

[Illustration: A stereotypical ghost, legless and amorphous, holding out its arms and moaning/howling angrily at the viewer.]

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