Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Scorpio Murders Front

INTRODUCTION: The full existing text of The Scorpio Murders. This is from the same word processor file that Sidekicks (second draft) and Flashback are from, last modified in August 2001, yet this story definitely predates that. In the timeline, this story (which is seventeenth in the D4D series) takes place in 1996; and I think the writing of this may have coincided closely with that.

I got a great deal through this story before stopping work for some reason. I seem to recall that I plotted out Sidekicks, but despite that, didn't complete it; I can't recall if I plotted out this particular novel, but I did remember some directions I wanted it to go in. This story was VERY important in the D4D mythology, and introduced some important characters as well as reintroducing old ones. For example, Trooper Broderick first appeared (yes...THAT family of Brodericks), and Det. Mulroy, last of Sidekicks, returned in a major role--as did the long-missing Officer Felman of Lucifer. A few important relationships were forged as well--Puck Benteen and Psyche Cooper, Troy D'Amato and Lynn Leja, and Trooper Broderick and Anna Clare--at least, they were MEANT to be forged, before work stopped. (You can find the adult scenes related to these characters on one of my sites. The scene with Psyche and Puck picks up actually where it leaves off in this story--and there's even reference to it afterwards, which is about as adult as I've gotten in one of my PG-13 stories.) There was also going to be an explanation of Puck's past and why exactly he knows so much about Satanism (he gives part of the reason in the slightly earlier Minot, but not the whole unpleasant story). Murders was also meant to be the story where the whole Scorpio investigation was blown wide open and turned upside-down, as the long-disbanded task force was to be reassembled, and the long-closed casefiles were to be reopened by the very people who once ordered them closed...but what little I wrote of it is here for you to see.

The two aspects of this story which bug me are how I dragged in the Minot cops; they seem rather shoehorned into the plot, and out of place; and the subplot involving Puck's past, which despite my intentions just didn't really fit in. Other than that...I think this story went along rather fun, at least until it stalled out. This is one of the most complete incomplete stories in the series, so I hope you enjoy finding a few secrets out, but beware some possible OOC moments. As stated before, the writing of this dates almost positively to the late Nineties, probably between 1996-98.

Front, Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7


"What is it?" Damien asked. "Bell, book, and candle?"

"More than that." Puck's fingers fluttered over the gathered objects upon the makeshift altar. He listed them all from memory. "Bell, book, athame, censer, chalice, pentacle, wand, and candles. What you might call a real Satanic setup."

"So who put it here?" The singer frowned at the dank surroundings, at the painted walls with their grotesque skulls and red streaks. "This doesn't look like Scorpio's work. There's no trademark M."

"No, there isn't," Puck replied, "and don't expect to find one. Because this isn't Scorpio we're dealing with."

"I suppose it has something to do with your friends," Kincaid murmured from the doorway behind them.

Damien turned to look at him; Kincaid only looked back, then nodded meaningfully in Puck's direction. "He's right," Puck said, picking up the grimoire and hefting it. "I remember these things. I've used them myself."

"You?" Damien exclaimed. "You mean these are the tools of those guys who beat you up? But I thought there were only three of them--"

Puck nodded, opening and paging through the grimoire. He glanced at the altar. "They may have joined forces sometime recently," he said. "And it looks like they're getting ready for a ceremony."

Damien swallowed; the dank little room suddenly seemed very cramped and claustrophobic. "What kind of ceremony?" he managed to ask, though his voice was very faint.

Puck looked back at him, his cool gray-green eyes glittering in the dim light, as if he should already know. "A ceremony of sacrifice," he replied. "Human sacrifice."


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