Friday, July 13, 2018

Animal Funnies List

INTRODUCTION: Long, long, LOOOOONNNG ago, before even the creation of my D4D, Manitou Island, and Kemet storylines (MAYBE my Trench Rats were already around), I came up with a group of comic animal characters for a storyline known as "Animal Funnies." They all lived in a town/village together. I created a list of each of them. Then I lost it, and was much distraught. Then I found it, way under my bed. This list was to be lost and found over the years. In time I added female mates to the all-male Animal Funnies and composed a new list. These characters, each of whom had a particular job (like shopkeeper, mayor, etc., I forget), were meant to be used in a comic series (like in the funny papers--get it?), and I guess I held them very dear to my heart based on how upset I got when I first lost my list. But I never did much with them except dream.

Anyway--here is a MUCH more recent list of those characters. Yep, that's it--just a list. But at least now I can say that it likely won't get lost under my bed.

Written in pencil on a crumpled, lined page of notebook paper. Date unknown, probably from the Nineties.

Winnie Oppossum [sic]--Wanda Oppossum [sic] [Note--yes--Winnie Opossum is a male. When I first created him, I wasn't aware that "Winnie" is more likely to be a female name. I think Winnie was the mayor of the series.]
Ginny Goat--Glinda Goat [Note--yes--Ginny Goat is also male.]
Horace Horse--Henrietta Horse
Gordon Giraffe--Jenny Giraffe
George Dog--Georgette Dog [Note--I seem to recall that George was just a regular brown dog. I wasn't very specific with some of these characters.]
Adam Armadillo--Eve Armadillo
Charles Fish--Charlotte Fish [Note--Charles (and presumably Charlotte) presented a challenge in that he was always confined to a bowl. Of course.]
Smith Mouse--Suzanne Mouse [Note--yes--Smith is the male mouse's FIRST name. He had beady black eyes.]
Carlson Rabbit--Cathy Rabbit [Note--yes--ditto on the above.]
Simon Fox--Simone Fox
Steve Skunk--Stevie Fox [Note--firstly, "Fox" is crossed out and "Skunk" lightly written in after it. Secondly, that's a male/female couple there, folks. No gay stuff in my childhood writing, I'm afraid.]
Ted Turtle--Tonya Turtle
Tom Bird--Tami Bird [Note--I recall that Tom was a bluebird with beady black eyes like Smith's. That's about it.]
Sam Elephant--Samantha Elephant
Mack Kangaroo--Martha Kangaroo

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